LA FABRIQUE ARTISTIQUE by Tétrarc architects

nantes-based practice tétrarc architectes has recently completed 'la fabrique', a performing arts complex transformed from an unutilized industrial and shipyard area in nantes, france. dedicated to contemporary and emerging music, the rehabilitated warehouses contain spaces to support musicians and artists in their methods of creation and discovery. the compound contains two auditoriums, 16 training and recording studios, offices, areas for digital experimentation and public gathering spaces. the program is divided amongst three separate entities which are interwoven with plazas for outdoor events and concerts.

Theproject is made of 3 distinct elements. First, the 400 Hall (withoffices upon it) then the 1200 Hal : two parts connected by a publicHall inserted in the concrete post frame of the Halle Dubigeon.Finally the studios take place in a volume suspended above an oldair-raid shelte

images © s. chalmeau



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