Adobe: Eternal Return

Autofuss created a video for the CS6 Launch
"Adobe recently commissioned us to design the visual component for their CS6 production suite on the theme of "the cinematic experience." We were initially drawn to the mechanical origins of cinema, and especially the zoetrope. It's such a beautiful and profound mechanism, at once both limited and infinite. We wanted to portray the woman character as controlling everything by light from a hybrid of a zoetrope mechanism and traditional film projection."


Creative Directors: Randall Stowell, Jeff Linnell
Executive Producer: Julia Gottlieb
Producers: Emily Nelson, Matthew Fassberg, Libby Luna
Designers: Lisa Mishima, Ryan Chen, Jade Jariya, Cale Ajioka
Cinematography: Joe Picard, Robert Couto
Production: Brian Holliday, Casey O'Reilly, Aron Pruiett, Samantha Bennett, Ian Colon
Make-Up: Amy Lee
Talent: Tyler Abbott, Tegan Schwab
Post: Pedro Figueira, Chris McCard, Dennis Wilkins, Jason Kerr, Colin Trenter, Hung-Ning Liao, Jon Corriveau, Collin Miller
Editorial: Ashley Rodholm, Samantha Bennett
Color/Finishing: Pedro Figueria, Colin Trenter
Original Score : Harald Boyeson


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